Communication Strategy


Good knowledge of client needs and a global understanding of market conditions are basic pieces of the puzzle for the successful implementation of a communication strategy and its importance. The creative approach applied by Create & Act ensures that the messages communicated will reach their target audiences in the most eloquent and original way, committing the purchasing behaviour of end consumers.

The management of client communication by Create & Act is carried out in a holistic manner, since it is specialised in the evaluation of any communication tool, such as a) above-the-line media campaigns, b) below-the-line support activities to promote sales, c) public relations strategies, d) B-2-B communication, e) promotion in trade shows, f) product packaging identity and implementation of corporate identity, g) communication in trade shows, h) new media campaigns.

The power of an alternating image, when used with feeling, humour, astonishment, contraposition, originality, precision, realism, and exaggeration and in line with a well-defined communication strategy, is the strongest component in attracting the interest of target audiences. Create & Act has one of the most complete teams of expert staff in every aspect of communication, with media planners, statistical analysts, marketers, copy writers, graphic artists, and production staff.

Media Advertising Campaigns
Media Planning Printed Advertising Material Radio TV Outdoor

The ultimate purpose of planned media is to utilize advertising expenditure resources in the best possible way, through the intense use of the vehicles which will send the message or information to the target audiences as accurately as possible.

In the framework of informing its clients, Create & Act provides the best possible planning of means, through the following tools:
● Data from consumers psychological measurement surveys such as RISC, TGI, and others.
● Information on competitor advertising expenditure by period
● Indirect advertisement plans
● Special combined offers