Direct Marketing & Sales Promotion

130826_content_marketing_sales-02The fragmentation of mass media and the development of an increasing number of multi-fragmented target audiences in every market call for the use of tools and means which add directness to communication with end consumers.

Create & Act is experienced in the implementation of a broad range of direct marketing tools, which are used to the advantage of its clients. These tools are:
● Direct Mailing to end consumers with specific demographic, psychographic, or purchasing characteristics
● Direct Mailing to professionals decision-makers in the market (Β-2-Β)
● Call centers for specific target audiences in all large urban centres in the Balkans
● Direct Ε- Mailing to professional users and end consumers

The planning and organisation of an integrated plan of original promotional activities establishes channels for the collection of information and the motivation and commitment of target group consumer behaviours. Create & Act has extensive experience in activities such:
● Distribution of printed matter throughout the country
● Distribution of coupons in central streets or shopping centres
● Food and wine tastings
● Test Driving
● Encouragement of samplings/tests