Organisation and Reorganisation of corporate structures

web-site-photo-Database-Management2Even in the best-staffed business establishments, we may notice problems of alignment with the company’s vision, or problems caused by role confusion and overlapping, or structural irregularities.

The most frequent causes for such problems and irregularities in the daily life of the people working in any company are overlapping of duties, bureaucracy, the absence of clear procedures, and deficient communication and briefing. The internal process reorganisation programmes implemented by Create & Act aim to identify and eliminate problems by establishing new intra-departmental and inter-departmental operational and communication procedures. These procedures ensure flexibility in departmental operations and growth in productivity.

Create & Act has extensive experience in the reorganisation of existing corporate organisation structures in both commercial and industrial establishments. The stages for such a reorganisation are:
● Collection of information on the existing organisational structure and human resources
● Individual interviews with every staff member using structured questionnaires
● Preparation of a review report laying out any problems which are likely to arise in the daily course of business, organisational problems, weaknesses in communication, shortage of skills, and side-tracking from goals
● Use of Kenichi Ohmae’s 7S Model
● Preparation of a new organisation chart
● Development of new job descriptions outlining each role in detail
● Presentation of quantitative and qualitative goals for each position
● Presentation of a Performance Appraisal System for each position
● Linking the Performance Appraisal System to the Variable Compensation System based on accomplishment criteria
● Development of intra-departmental, inter-departmental and internal communication channels